We developed a communication framework, associated assessments and associated training programs to develop communication skills in people. We empower our partners, customers and people to use the framework, assessments and training to unleash people potential.

We work with our partners and customers to implement change in people by making the communication framework practical and real for people. It is not just a theoretical model. Training with associated reinforcement will ensure a successful rollout of the communication framework.

In business and life there are skills that will differentiate people. Communication has emerged as the most critical skill to accelerate the success of people
The top achievers know that communication is critical. People in all careers get value. Whether you are leading, selling, project managing, procuring, teaching or any other role where communication is critical, you will get value. You will accelerate your success and that of the people around you.
The reCInate Communication Framework was developed specifically for defining what and how people communicate.
The what in peoples’ communication refers to one of the following styles of communication:
Analytical – Facts, detail and analysis
Methodical – Structured, compliance and rules
Connected – People, emotions and feelings
Visionary – Big picture, future and new ideas
We all have a preference in 1 or 2 of these styles so you might not resonate with someone when you communicate with them.

The how in peoples’ communication refers to one of the following behaviors of communication:
Competing – Your way, directing people
Avoiding – Not enough information or not a priority
Accommodating – Not your way, but theirs
Collaborating – Lets get to an agreement
We also have a preference in 1 or 2 of these behaviors and we must make sure we apply the right behavior in a given situation.
The reCInate Communication Framework® and Profile are specifically designed and tested to assist people and companies to improve on communication.
Individual Profile
Basic The Basic Profile option provides:
A short report which includes:
- Descriptors of the four Communication Styles and four Communication Behaviours
- Your personal Communication Styles preference scores
- Your personal Communication Behaviours scores
- Business card displaying all the scores
Individual Profile Debrief
During the debriefing the reCInate coach will guide you through your individual scores and provide information on how it can be applied.
Includes: 60min online session with a coach.
Team Debrief
Once all individuals have done their individual profiles, a team profile will be collated and distributed.
This option provides you with a team profile as well as a 120 minute debriefing session with the team in which the team scores will be discussed.
We Provide World Class Training
All Styles and Behaviours scores, training material and facilitation.
This training includes:
Check out what are clients are saying about us:
reCInate, with their framework and associated tools, is the first company I encountered that really understands what differentiates the top performing people and companies.
I would strongly recommend the Psychology of Communication workshop. The team members came away with valuable tools and understandings of how people communicate differently
This is what selling is all about!